26/04/2024 09:38
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The electoral college have been convened for the partial renewal of the Senate (Series A - 2009) and fixing the timing of the election campaign  
Prime Minister, annonced a decree to convene the electoral college for the partial renewal of the Senate (Series A - 2009) and fixing the timing of the election campaign. The full text of the Decree:

  "The Prime Minister;
Upon hearing the report of the Minister of Interior and Decentralization,
Given the constitution of 20 July 1991, restored and modified under the constitutional law issue No. 2006 - 014 of 12 July 2006;
Given the Constitutional Order No. 2008 - 002 dated 13 August 2008 provisional governing powers of the High Council of State;
View: Ordinance No. 91-029 of 7 October 1991, as amended by Order 2006-028 of 22 August 2006 Organic Law on the election of senators;
View: Decree No. 91-142 of 13 November 1991 laying down rules for conduct of election campaigns and specifying the organization of elections to the Senate, amended;
View: Decree No. 157-2007 of 6 September 2007 on the Council of Ministers, the powers of the Prime Minister and Ministers;
View: Decree No. 150-2008-HCE, 14 August 2008 appointing the Prime Minister;
Considering Decree No. 159-2008/HCE, 31 August 2008 appointing the members of the government
View: Decree No. 178-2008 of 12 October 2008 establishing the powers of the Minister of Interior and Decentralization and the organization of the central administration of his department.
View: Letter No. 21 dated 29 January 2009 the President of the Senate on the draw of the senate between series for the partial renewal in 2009.
The Cabinet heard on 05 February 2009

First article: the electoral college shall be convened on Sunday 03 May 2009, and in case of a second round on Sunday 10 May 2009, to elect senators belonging to the series "A" as defined in the annex of order
No. 91029 of 7 October 1991 Organic Law on the election of senators, as amended.

Article 2: the nominations to the administrative authorities will be between Thursday 19 March and Friday 03 April 2009 at zero hours.
A provisional receipt of this filing is issued.
The files of candidates are considered for validation, not later than 25th day before the election (April 8 2009), by the administrative body which, after deliberation, shall issue a final receipt.
Article 3: The election campaign opened on Friday 17 April 2009 at zero hours and closed on Saturday 02 May at midnight.

Article 4: The voting is open at 7 am and closed at 17 hours.

Article 5: The Minister of the Interior and Decentralization is responsible for the implementation of this decree to be issued following the emergency procedure and in the Official Journal of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania. "
Source: AMI/PMD  


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